As believers, when we serve God faithfully, He blesses us with supernatural wisdom and brings glory and honor into our lives. The Bible tells us that companionship with the wise makes us wise (Proverbs 13:20), and when we partner with God in stewardship, His wisdom rubs off on us.
We see examples of this in the lives of biblical figures like Daniel, who was gifted with wisdom from God and remained relevant no matter who was in power. Paul also received supernatural wisdom as a gift from God to understand mysteries that were previously unknown (Ephesians 3:1-5).
In addition to wisdom, serving God brings glory and honor. He promises to honor those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30). We see this in the life of David, whose passion for defending God’s name against Goliath’s taunts brought him glory and made him the envy of King Saul (1 Samuel 18:6-8). When we are sold out for God’s kingdom, He will bless us in ways that may even make others envious.
Beyond wisdom and honor, faithfulness to God opens the door to marital breakthroughs. While Satan tries to oppose and delay, God is still in the business of bringing people together in marriage (Psalm 68:6). Keys to experiencing marital breakthrough include:
1) Being saved and remaining in love with God
2) Seeking first His kingdom
3) Avoiding pride and seeing the future potential in others
4) Engaging the power of faith to overcome obstacles
5) Making God your only source of expectation
Transactional relationships based on using others will only lead to bondage. But when we allow God to be our source and walk in humility, He will guide us into relationships founded on genuine love.
Whether believing for marital breakthrough or walking out an existing marriage, we must rely on the Holy Spirit’s help to overcome anger, deceit, pride and other fleshly traits. Submitting these areas to God and letting the fruit of the Spirit manifest in us will transform our character and relationships.
As we stay faithful to God and His house, allowing His word and the counsel of spiritual leadership to guide us, we will see Him release supernatural wisdom, glory, honor and marital breakthroughs into our lives. Our part is to serve Him wholeheartedly, walk in faith and obedience, and trust His goodness every step of the way. As we do, we will experience the fulfillment of His glorious promises.